三年级家庭作业 08-06-19

2019年06月09日 三年级家庭作业 08-06-19

课堂活动 Class work
1.YCT 2 模拟考试 – 以真题册第⑤篇 来做测试。We’ve done YCT 2 mock test based on exam paper 5

a.听力方面 – 一,二部份全班都没问题; 三,四部份同学容意弄错,请学生留意听 。另练习真题册第三篇听力部份共20题。
Listening – all students can understand and choose the correct answers in section 1 and 2. Section 3 and 4 are harder sections therefore some mistakes. We’ve also done Listening on paper 3 from exam papers .

b.阅读方面 – 有六位同学全对。请安语琪这星期多加练习,阅读部份成绩部不理想;海乐也请再多练习,这部份错的比较多。
Reading – There were 6 students all correct, well done!

1.请同学继续把真题册 3, 4 做完 Please finish YCT 2 Exam papers 3 and 4.

注意事项 Note

1.下周汉考YCT 2请各位家长准备2支 2B 铅笔考试。
Please prepare 2, 2B pencils for YCT2 Exam.

2.考试时间 50分钟 预定 11:10 – 12:00, 教室 – 三年级教室
Exam time – 50 mins, from 11:10 – 12:00 at Year 3 classroom.

3.没有参加考试的何卓贤,叶永恒,Samuel 请加入四年级袁老师班上课。