2019年06月16日 二年级家庭作业Y2 Homework (15/06/19)
教学内容 (teaching content):
1. 上半堂课带领学生们一起做了三套YCT1的真题集。(going through three exam papers of YCT1 with students for the first part of the lesson)
2. 下半堂课带领不考试的学生一起检查上周的作业-自我介绍。该错字、错句,教没有写出来的生词。(checking the homework of self introduction from last week, correcting the mistakes and teaching some
vocabularies for the second part of the lesson)
3. 插入一个小故事 (read a short story)
家庭作业(home work):
1. 阅读第五课课文-买东西,部分生词上堂课已经讲过。 (read the text-go shopping, we have learned some of the vocabularies in the last class)
2. 做“描一描,写一写”里的前四个字—买 、岁、昨、给 (do first four characters in “learn to write”)