2019年07月01日 二年级家庭作业Y2 Home work 29/06/19
教学内容 (teaching content):
1. 复习第一课到第五课的部分生字,组词、造句、拼写。(reviewing some of the characters from lesson one to five, forming phrases and
sentences, and spelling)
2. 学习两首儿歌:
• 小白兔
(explaining the meaning of the vocabularies and phrases, also spelling)
• 香蕉
(explaining the meaning of the vocabularies and phrases, also spelling)
3. 小游戏 (game)
家庭作业(home work):
1. 请复习第一课到第五课的生字、词语和句子,下个星期期末测试,题型相似书上的“综合练习”(Please review the Characters, Words and expressions and
Sentence from lesson one to lesson five, as we will do the end of term test next week. The text will be similar to the “Review” in
the text book)
2. 请把第五课练习册上的题做完,如果可以的话重复练习之前的题,为下个星期期末测试做准备。 (Please finish lesson five of the Exercise book,and
do the exercises from previous lessons if possible so that you will be well prepared for the test next week.)