2019年09月14日 一年级家庭作业 14.09.19 year one homework
本节课教学内容:1. 继续复习《汉语乐园2A》的内容以及课堂小练习惯用语。“今天天气怎么样?刮风,下雨,晴朗,阴天”今天几月几号的问答练习,以及现在几点的问答练习。2. 本节课的教学新内容:《汉语乐园2B》第一课,和同学们在谈论爸爸做什么,妈妈做什么,及观看视频https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KltfsPeJEs 猜猜看“这是什么职业”引出本节课的新内容:医生,护士,工人,农民,警察,司机,厨师,职员,演员,音乐家,画家,作家”及句型的学习“爸爸是警察,妈妈是演员,3. 本节课继续学习汉语拼音,并练习了4个音调https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc2qkknV7OY。4. 听写了已经学过的生字:中国人,书在哪儿?日,月星,几点,从,我不去,一,二三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十;学习了本节课的新生字: 工,王,主,土
5. 阅读时间 和同学们阅读本节课的课文:“爸爸是。。。。,他爸爸也是。。。。
6愉快时光:和同学们一起游戏, “看一看,猜一猜,记一记”
作业:1,在我们发的汉子练习纸上练习我们学过的生字工人土” 下周会有生字小测试
3, 练习汉语拼音及四个声调的练习 小提示:1)别忘记适当的温习功课和做家庭作业
What did we learn this week?
We revised the text book Chinese Paradise 2A some words and dialogue.
1) Review. Review some time, weather and date how to express in Chinese.while watching the video to review the body’s name and “what’s your nationality ” and so on.
2)New words & Dialogues. “My dad is doctor/chef/driver/, My mum is teacher/nurse/police/….and new words : nurse;doctor, worker, farmer, police, driver,chef, clerk”
3) Continue with the writing skills. horizontal “__________” and vertical practice words “王 (wang )工,人 土(
4) Chinese alphabet pinyin and 4 tune’s practice
5) Fun time: game “look, remember and guess”
1) practice dialogues with parents and review occupations words .
2) review pinyin a,o,e
3) Please practice words writing “王,工,土,主 人 we will have words test in next lessons.
Note: please can you make sure your child bring a pencil and the textbooks/note book every lesson?