2019年09月23日 三年级家庭作业2019年9月21日
1.用所学词汇(中文第二册3-4课) “选词填空”
Practised the Phrases they have learnt by using “fill in blanks” exercises (4-5)
Reviewed lesson 6: writing Chinese characters, single words to form phrases
3.听写 Spelling test
4.继续学习第六课生字、词:还、洗、饿、不少、喂,结合课堂练习,描一描,写一写,读一读。并学习偏旁部首“ 扌户 饣”
Continued learning Lesson 6 , New vocabulary – 还 – also, still, more, 洗 – wash, 饿- hungry, 不少 – a lot, 喂- feed, Also learnt radical “扌户 饣”
5.重点学习的句子:我会收拾小房间。 用“会”字造句,回答自己能够做的事情。结合练习册看图写句子、连词成句。
Learned using “会“to make sentences
Read the main text, conversation dialogue and translated into English
1、复习本周所学字、词:还、洗、饿、不少,各写三遍,并准备下周听写。 Write new vocabularies 3 times and prepare for next week’s spelling test
2、练习册B P37-47
Exercise Book B P37-47