2019年09月28日 Y4 教学内容及家庭作业 teaching contents and homework
教学内容 teaching contents
1.复习上星期所有的生词,听写review the words we learnt last week and spelling test
2.学习生词(《中文》3第一课)new words:
往 go, towards ;马路 road; 汽车 car;
斑马线 zebra crossing;抢行 rush to go, 一定 must
3.生词抄写练习 writing new words
4.每个同学口头造句each one make a sentence with these words:往, 一定
5. 阅读交通歌并逐句解释 read “a song of traffic” and explained the meaning
6.70周年国庆手工制作国旗 Hand make Chinese flag to celebrate Chinese National Day
家庭作业 Homework
1.练习写本节课的生词, 每个写五遍,下星期听写下面的生字词
往 go, towards ;马路 road; 汽车 car;斑马线 zebra crossing;
please review all the words we have learnt today, write each word 5 times,we will do spelling test of these words next week
2.练习册A P10 ~ P15 Practice Book A P10~P15