2019年10月12日 一年级教学内容和家庭作业 10.12 第6周
10.12 第6周 一年级
1 复习 Review
数字字卡组合游戏 use flash number cards to make big numbers
说读月份 一月到十二月 months
你的生日是几月几号? Which date is your birthday?
比如说8月8号 for example: the 8th of August
2 第9课 认读纯字卡 用字卡组成句子:你喜欢什么动物? Lesson 9 practice Dialogue, play Chinese word flash cards to make
sentence of what animal do you like. I like….
3 用纯字卡认读七个动物名字: 兔子 鸟 金鱼 猫 马,章鱼,乌龟 use Chinese word flash cards to tell rabbit, bird,
Goldie fish, octopus and turtle.
4 讨论动物的特性:食物,外形,冷热,毛茸茸,坚硬,光滑,在水里,在天上等。talk about the features of animals: food they
eat, size,temperature, fluffy,hard,smooth, in the water, in the sky and so on.
5 扩展说读 森岭动物: 大猩猩,蛇,猴子,鳄鱼等 explore more jungle animals: gorilla, snake,monkey,crocodile.
6 扩展说读 动物园动物:大象,袋鼠,孔雀,海豚,长颈鹿,犀牛 explore more zoo animals: elephant, kangaroo,peacock,
dolphin, giraffe and rhino.
7 完成快乐汉语练习册第九课 题目1-4. Practice and finish the Chinese Paradise 2B practice book, lesson 9,
Question 1- 4.
8 拼音 Pinyin m f with a o i u.
声母 m f 和 韵母 a o i u combine m f with a o i u
家庭作业 Homework
1复习上课内容 review teaching content
2 请查看给学生的打印纸 拼音m f和 a o i u 练习。 practice printed PINYIN practice paper that are given to each pupil.
3 完成汉语乐园练习册2B 第九课题目5,6,7。Please finish Chinese paradise 2B practice book lesson 9 Question 5,6,7.