2019年10月20日 10.19 第7周 一年级
10.19 第7周 一年级
1 复习 Review
1百位数数字字卡组合游戏 use flash number cards to make three digital numbers.
2第9课 认读纯字卡 用字卡组成句子:你喜欢什么动物? Lesson 9 practice Dialogue, play Chinese word flash cards to make
sentence of what animal do you like. I like….
3用纯字卡认读七个动物名字: 兔子 鸟 金鱼 猫 马,章鱼,乌龟 use Chinese word flash cards to tell rabbit, bird,
Goldie fish, octopus and turtle.
4 声母 b p o m 和 韵母 a o i u combine m f with a o i u
2 第10课 山上有树
1 拿出事物鲜花和草, 说出中文名字。用词语卡片讲解山,树,和河。Take some fresh flower and grass, speak their chinese words. Use word card tell mountain, tree and river.
2 学习方位词: 上,下,左,右,前,后,中间。Learn direction words: up, down, left, right, front, back and middle.
跟着音乐跳方位舞,进一步认知每个方位词的含义。Follow music dance in directions, understand what they mean.
3 拿出词卡,认识熊猫和猴子,播放小短片知道熊猫吃竹子。Use word card, recognize panda and monkey,use the short video to know that panda eats bamboo.
4 理解句型,做游戏,让学生把图片词卡贴在黑板上,并找到互相正确的位子。比如,猴子在树上,山上有树,山下有河,树的左边有熊猫,
花开在树上,花开在地上等。Play games, understand sentences,let the students put the card with pictures on the blackboard,and match with the correct places, eg, monkey lives on trees, trees can be found on mountain, river flows under the mountain, panda on the left side of the tree.
5 书本22页朗读并理解诗歌 Page 22 read and try understand the poem.
6 合唱两只老虎 sing two tiger song
7 练习册16页 exercise book page 16
家庭作业 Homework
1复习上课内容 review teaching content
2 完成汉语乐园练习册2B 第十课题目2,3,4。Please finish Chinese paradise 2B practice book lesson 10 Question 2,3,4.
3 发了打印歌词给大家, 学唱歌曲 在海里。时间0:03:35