2019年12月08日 12.7 第13周 一年级教学内容和作业
12.7 第13周 一年级教学内容和作业
1.1 字卡环节,认识春天, 夏天,秋天,冬天,热,冷。
word card, know spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, cold.
互动练习: 学完一遍后,老师将图片贴在黑板上,随机指,让学生大声说出中文名称,
exercise: after teaching, put the picture cards on the board, randomly pointing at one, let
child say it’s chinese words, who said it best who will replace teacher do the next round.
1.2 对话,春天来了,真暖和。
conversation, spring is coming, very warm.
summer is coming, very hot.
autumn is coming, very cool.
winter is coming, very cold.
1.3 表演: 春夏秋冬 暖和,热,凉快,冷。
Performance: spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold.
3 let’s talk 北京的秋天真好看
see spring in Beijing.
6 诗朗诵:咏鹅。
poem reading: swan
speak and expain the meaning.
6.1 诗的第一句连用三个“鹅’字,这种反复咏唱方法的使用,表达了诗人对鹅的热爱,增强了感情上的效果。
first sentance using three goose, repeated expressing the love for the goose. enhancing the emotional effect.
6.2 第二句写鹅鸣叫的神态,给人以声声入耳之感。鹅的声音高亢嘹亮,一个“曲”字,把鹅伸长脖子,而且仰头弯
second express the expression of the goose when it is singing, gives the true expression of the sound. Its long neck and bending
head vividly shows the image of the goose. This sentance first expresses the visiual image then the sound effect, gives more details.
6.3 以上是写鹅在陆地上行进中的情形,下面两句则写鹅群到水中悠然自得游泳的情形。小诗人用一组对偶句,
This sentance express the image goose moving on the ground, next two show the group of goose swimming releaxed in the water.
Using a sentance to express the colourful motion of the gooses playing the water. Whiate feather, green water, reflects the contracts.
Red goose feet and green water ripple, red and green contracts repeatedly.
6.4 在这组对偶句中,动词的使用也恰到好处。“浮”字说明鹅儿在水中悠然自得,一动不动。“拨”字则说明鹅儿在水中用力划水,
Those two sentances use ‘float’ and ‘row’ the water shows the beauty of the goose and calming image.
7 学习并理解儿童歌曲 春天在哪里?
Learn and understand the children’s song, where is the spring?
8 拼音 n l
Pingying, n l
9 学写‘来,了,真’·
learn how to write: ‘来,了,真’
1 拼音n l
ping ying, n l
2 学写’来,了,真’
learn how to write: ‘来,了,真’
3 看字朗读课文对话
read the text conversation.