2020年01月13日 三年级1月11日家庭作业
学习内容 Class Contents
1.检查作页并給学生看看实际 “种子 – 发芽 – 小树苗 的 盆栽。 本次作业情形不理想很多同学都没完成,请家长多多再督促小孩的作业,谢谢。
Checked homework and saw a small plant of mug bean. Not all the students have done the homework, once again, please make sure your child does homework weekly. Thank you.
2.听写 – 种子,种瓜,,发芽,树苗,要,吧
Spelling test – Students weren’t doing well this week, and so there will be same words for spelling next week.
3.一起课文唸 , 请学生再逐句翻译课文 及回答问题
Read L10 text together. Students translated text into English and answered questions about the text
4.唸 “读一读“ 并解释意思 及造句
Read “ Read aloud” section. Explained the meaning of each phrase and practised made sentences. Also encourage students adding words such as, time, place or adj. to extend the sentence.
5.重点句 “要“ , “不要”的学习。
Learning Grammar of “要- would like/wish to do, 不要- negative form of 要”
6.练习中国新年节目 “数来宝”。
1.种子 – seed; 种瓜 – grow melon; 发芽 – germinate, sprout, 树苗 – young plant, 要- want, wish; 吧 – an expression of sound, 准备下次听写。另有两题加分题,内容以第十课为主
Same spelling as last week plus 2 bonus spellings all included in Lesson 10
2.练习册B 第十课 星期一 – 三 (数笔画的部份可省略不做)
Exercise book B lesson 10 Monday – Wednesday (count stroke section can be skipped)
3.如果学生已完成作业2,可自行做新书 “快乐汉语“课本及练习册第一课。
If students finish homework 2, then they can start new book, 快乐汉语, exercise book lesson 1 all.
1.这周学生都有发放新书“快乐汉语” 两本,一本课本及一本练习册。预计将于二月一日开始使用。 原有的中文二将继续照进度上完。
New Text books have been given out to all students, this includes one text book and one exercise book. We will start this new book on 1st of February. We will still be using “中文二“
2.新书价格 £20 请家长放入信封封好,下周交给三年级老师或Shirley 皆可。
£20 for new books, Please put them in a sealed envelope and give it Y3 teacher of Shirley next week. Thank you.