2020年01月18日 三年级18-01-2020 家庭作业
Class Contents
1.检查作页并听写上周的一样的词 及2题加分题
Checked homework and took spelling test
2.一起唸“课文” 及 “读一读“ ,并抽问词汇意思
Read text, read aloud section, make sure everyone read correctly and knew the meaning of the words
3.利用 “要“ , “不要“ 各造一个句子 . 这次以王洛可及翁哈维 的造句最好,句子里包涵了主要人物 ,时间,地点,及做了什么。
Competition time: Making sentences of 要,不要。 Lou ke and Harvey won the competition. Their sentences were interesting and provided more information such as: Main person (Subject), time, place and things they did
4.对话 – 全班唸一次,解释及翻译意思 再以两人一组进行对话
Read dialogue together, and explained the meaning of each sentence.
5.阅读 – 种子 并逐句解释意思 (植物的生长过程)
Read the last section and explained meaning
6.排练新年节目 – 数来宝
Practised y3 Chinese New Year Performance
1.练习册 B 星期四及五 Exercise Book B Thursday and Friday
2.a要,b不要,c吧,d长大,e种, 各造一个句子 Make one sentence of each word
3.想一想并写下中国新年有什么传统食物 vs 圣诞节的食物
Think and write down the traditional food we have for Chinese New Year . This is to prepare for our next lesson about food , eat and drink that we are going to learn
4. 快乐汉语第二课,请将课本的练习题完成
“快乐汉语” Lesson 2, please read and complete the questions on textbook.
PS :
1.一月25日将庆祝中国新年,我们不上课但到礼堂参加庆祝大会。请于9:30 到 教室集合,一起排练后再带到礼堂。谢谢
We will have a Chinese New Year Celebration next Saturday (25th January), therefore there will be no formal lesson. Please arrive at 9:30, we’ll meet up in the normal classroom for the last rehearsal. Thank you !
Please wear Chinese traditional clothes/costume if possible. If don’t have any, please wear bright or red colour as possible.
3.下次上课请带新书 “快乐汉语”, 二月一日将开始使用。谢谢
Please bring new book – “快乐汉语”. We will start our new book on 1st-02-2020. Thank you.