2020年01月18日 Y4 四年级教学内容 18/01/2020 WEEK2
教学内容 teaching contents
1.听写上节课学的新字 spelling test
知(zhī) – 知(zhī) 道(dào) know/be aware of 变(biàn) – 变(biàn)成(chéng) turn into/ change to
汽(qì) – 汽(qì)车(chē) car 飘(piāo) – 飘(piāo) 落(luò) drift and fall slowly
冷(lěng) – 冷(lěng)风(fēng) cold wind 珠(zhū)- 雨(yǔ)珠(zhū) rain drop
2.新字学习 the new words
掉(diào)- 掉(diào)下(xià) fall off –掉(diào) 了(le) drop
候(hòu) – 候(hòu) 鸟(niǎo) migratory birds – 时(shí)候(hou) time/ moment/ period 睡(shuì)- 睡(shuì)觉(jiào) sleep/ go to bed – 午(wǔ)睡(shuì) nap
跑(pǎo)- 跑(pǎo) 步(bù) jogging –快(kuài) 跑(pǎo) run very fast 跳(tiào)- 跳(tiào) 舞(wǔ) dance – 跳(tiào) 高(gāo) high jump
3. 阅读课文 reading text 我是谁 who am I 第34页P34
4.造句 Make sentences
1.有(yǒu) 时(shí) 候(hou) sometimes
2.你(nǐ) 知(zhī) 道(dào) you know …
5. 中国新年节目祝福语practice speaking lines for Chinese New Year
6. 练习新年节目 practice Chinese New Year performance dancing
家庭作业 Homework
1.练习册A P38 – P50 Practice Book A P38-P50
2. 新学的词每个造一个句子并练习抄写 下周听写
use the 5 new words to make sentences, one each. practice the new words,we will do a spelling test next week
3. 请练习新年祝福语和舞蹈
please practice Chinese new year performance