2020年03月01日 三年级家庭作业 29-02-2020
课堂活动 Class work
We talked about the covid-19. Let students understand what is coronavirus, where does it start, how it affected us and what can we do to protect ourselves.
2.开始第11课 江河 Start Lesson 11
a.一起唸课文并大约解释新的词汇 (古老,条的用法….)
Read the text and explained the new vocabulary words and each sentence.
Ask questions about this text
c.说说唱唱学课文 – “龙的传人”
Learned a new song – long de chuan ren , help them to remember the text
Learn new vocabulary words – meaning, structure, radical, similar or same sound of words and same word but different tones.
4.下周听写Spelling test for next week:长江,古老- old/ancient,一条河- a river (PS- 条 is a measure word),名字- name,叫- call/ to be called
5.练习册A 70-75 页 Exercise book A P70-75