Reception 学前班教学内容以及家庭作业第八周29/02/2020

2020年03月02日 Reception 学前班教学内容以及家庭作业第八周29/02/2020

Singing nursery rhymes: Hello, Goodbye/ Good morning and Good evening/ Greeting friend and Where is my friend?

Review: vocabulary cards will be used to review all the words were learned.
1)问候 (Greeting)
2) 自我介绍(introduce yourself)
3) 数字(numbers)
4) 身体部位(body parts)
5)家庭成员(family members)
6) 我的房间 (my room)
7)教室守则 (classroom rules)
8)食物 (food)

Sing nursery rhymes: if you happy and head,should,knees and toes, two tigers.

Activity : Do the action. (divide into two groups, one group say the position noun, the other group do the action)

前 (in front of)后(behind)左(left)右(right)上(up)中(in the middle of)下(down)

5.复习句型:……好吃吗? ……很好吃。 你吃什么……?我吃……
Review sentences: Is …….nice? ……very nice. What are you having? I’m having ……

6.生词: 水,茶,牛奶和咖啡.
New vocabularies: water, tea, milk and coffee.

New sentences: what are you drinking? We are having……

Learn strokes of Chinese characters: water, up,in the middle of and down.
Nursery rhyme:Hokey pokey
10.家庭作业:书写汉字 水,上,中,下。
Home work: Practice Chinese characters water, up, in the middle of and down.