三年级家庭作业 07-03-2020

2020年03月09日 三年级家庭作业 07-03-2020

课堂活动 Class work
Read out text together

2.影片学习,解释 “为什么黄河是中国的母亲河”,“为什么说哺育我们”
Watched Video Clip as to answer “why yellow river is our mother river” and “ how/why in the text mentions the river feed us”.

Ps. 视频已附上请看下面连接。 Please see below for video links

Learn new vocabulary words – meaning, structure, radical, similar or same sound of words.

4.学习 “从 ……. 到……… “ 的语法
Learned new Grammar Structure “from …….. to )

家庭作业 Homework
1. 请唸第11课 课文,并上传至 wechat
Please read text on Lesson 11 and send your voice clip through wechat or whatsapp

2. 新词 – 最高兴,父母亲,从学校到家里,唱着歌, 中华 各写5次
5 new vocabulary words write 5 times and prepare for next week spelling

3.练习册A p 79- 6 看图完成句子;p81-5 连词成句
Exercise Book A P79- section 6 & P81 section 5
4.造句 – 着,长,最,从….到
make sentences using these 4 words / phrase