2020年03月28日 Y4 四年级教学内容及家庭作业 28/03/2020
教学内容 teaching contents
1.复习第六课学所有新字 revises the words we have learned in lesson 6
满(mǎn)- 满(mǎn)地(dì) Full cover / across the ground 满(mǎn)意(yì)Satisfied/pleased
猫(māo) -小(xiǎo)猫(māo) cat/ kitten 熊猫xióng māo panda
狗(gǒu) – 小(xiǎo)狗(gǒu) dog/ puppy 狗(gǒu)熊(xióng)black bear
糖(táng) – 白(bái)糖(táng) white sugar 糖(táng)果(guǒ) candy/sweet 咸(xián)盐(yán) salt
争(zhēng) – 争(zhēng)吵(chǎo) to quarrel / wrangle 斗(dòu)争(zhēng) fight / battle
兔(tù) – 兔(tù)子(zi) rabbit – 兔(tù)年(nián) year of the rabbit
过(guò) – 过(guò)来(lái) come here – 走(zǒu)过(guò) to walk pass by
尝(cháng) – 尝(cháng)一(yī)尝(cháng) have a taste / to taste – 尝(cháng)试(shì) to try/ to attempt
甜(tián)- 甜(tián)味(wèi) sweetness – 甜(tián)点(diǎn) dessert
凉(liáng) – 冰(bīng)凉(liáng) ice-cold – 凉(liáng)鞋(xié) sandal
自(zì)己(jǐ) – oneself – 我(wǒ)自(zì)己(jǐ) yourself –你(nǐ)自(zì)己(jǐ) yourself
2. 生字词 new words
诗(shī)- 古(gǔ)诗(shī) poem -诗(shī)人(rén) poet
首(shǒu)- 一(yī)首(shǒu)诗(shī) 静(jìng)- 安(ān)静(jìng) quiet/ silent
床(chuáng)- 床(chuáng)头(tóu) bedhead 疑(yí)- 怀(huái)疑(yí) doubt/ suspect
举(jǔ)- 举(jǔ)起(qǐ) lift up 望(wàng)- 仰(yǎng)望(wàng) lookup/ look far
低(dī)- 低(dī)头(tóu) lower one’s head
乡(xiāng)- 家(jiā)乡(xiāng)-故(gù)乡(xiāng) hometown
3. 阅读并理解古诗 (静夜思) read and explain the poem (thoughts on a silent night)
4. YCT 词汇复习110 颜(yán)色(sè) -180 让(ràng)
YCT vocabulary 110 颜 (yán) 色 (sè) – 180 让(ràng)
家庭作业 Homework
1.预习第七课 古诗二首 preview lesson seven two ancient poems
第二首 登鹳雀楼 at heron lodge
2.背诵古诗 静夜思 recite the poem thoughts on a silent night
3.练习写生字词 每个词写5遍 write new words 5 times each
4.继续完成练习册 A P51-1 P52-3,5 P53-6,7
Please finish the practice book A
5. Continue YCT3 vocabulary learning