2020年04月04日 三年级家庭作业04-04-2020
Please encourage your child to write a Chinese writing. Students can use what they have learnt from the text book and write their own one. Each task write at least 5 sentences.
1.日记 (Diary)
a.今天几月几日,星期几?What’s the date today?
b.天气怎么样?How’s the weather ?
c.你今天想做什么 ?你今天做了什么?do you want to today? What have you done ?
d.以前在学校做了什么? 现在做了哪些? 及以后开学后想做什么?
Normally what did you do at school? What about now? What do you want to do later if you could go back to school?
e.你觉得你今天过的如何? (开心,不快乐….等)
How’s your day today? (happy, sad……..)
2.作文 writing –
a.我的中文学校 My Chinese School
Your name and age which class do you go to
ii.哪时去中文学校? 去中文学校做什么?学什么?
When do you go to Chinese school, what do yo do at Chinese school and what do you learn?
Who else in the school?
iv.你喜不喜欢中文学校? 为什么喜欢 或 不喜欢
Do you like Chinese school? Do you like it or not, why??
Please use the words from the list
1.会….还会; 有……还有
2.又 ……又
b.我的好朋友 My Best Friend
i.简单的自我介绍, 你叫什么名字? 几岁?
Introduce yourself – your name and age
ii.你的好朋友是谁叫什么名字?怎么认识他的? (学校同学? 邻居?)
Who is your best friend? What’s his/her name? how did you meet (classmate, neightbour?)
iii.叙述一下朋友的外表? (例如: 眼睛又大又圆,头发又长又黑)
Describe your friend’s physical appearance。 (eyes are bigs and round,hair long and black)
What do you like to do together?
v.你们还有在一起玩吗? 为什么没有?
Do you still meet each other? If not, why?
Please use the words from the list
1.会…… 还会 ;
2.有……. 还有
6.以前 /以后