2020年04月11日 Y4 四年级教学内容 11/04/2020
教学内容 teaching contents
1.复习第七课生词 revises the words we have learned in lesson 7
诗(shī)- 古(gǔ)诗(shī) -诗(shī)人(rén) 首(shǒu)- 一(yī)首(shǒu)诗(shī) 静(jìng)- 安(ān)静(jìng) 床(chuáng)- 床(chuáng)头(tóu) 疑(yí)- 怀(huái)疑(yí)
举(jǔ)- 举(jǔ)起(qǐ) 望(wàng)- 仰(yǎng)望(wàng) 低(dī)- 低(dī)头(tóu) 乡(xiāng)- 家(jiā)乡(xiāng)-故(gù)乡(xiāng)
楼(lóu) building –楼(lóu)上(shàng) upstairs 鹳(guàn)雀(què)楼(lóu) heron lodge
千(qiān) thousand-千(qiān)里(lǐ) thousand miles 秋(qiū)千(qiān) swing
更(gèng) even more/ further – 更(gèng)好(hǎo) better -更(gèng)大(dà) bigger- 更(gèng)高(gāo) higher
层(céng)layer- 上层(shàngcéng)upper layer – 一(yī)层(céng)楼(lóu) one floor
2. 背诵古诗 静夜思 recite the poem thoughts on a silent night
登鹳雀楼 at heron lodge
3.读一读 并理解词语 P56-2 P56-2 read and explained
4. 阅读对话 read dialogue P56-3
5. 理解并造句: 思(sī)念(niàn) to miss / to think of
必(bì)须(xū) must/compulsory
6. YCT 词汇复习185 运(yùn)动(dòng)-195 感(gǎn)冒(mào)
YCT vocabulary 185 运 (yùn) 动 (dòng)- 195 感(gǎn)冒(mào)
家庭作业 Homework
1.背诵古诗二首 recite the two poems by heart
2.阅读课本P57 reading 古诗二首今译 Read P57 reading
3.继续完成练习册 A P51-1 P52-3,5 P53-6,7,P54-1, P55-P56
P58-P59, P60-1 P61-4,5,6 P62-P66
Please finish the practice book A
P51-1 P52-3, 5 P53-6,7,P54-1, P55-P56
P58-P59, P60-1 P61-4, 5,6 P62-P66
4.课本P56 -2 词语翻译成英文 textbook P56-2 translate all vocabulary into English
5.继续练习第七课所有生字词 practice vocabulary in lesson 7
6. Continue YCT3 vocabulary learning