Y4 四年级教学内容 23/05/2020

2020年05月23日 Y4 四年级教学内容 23/05/2020

教学内容 teaching contents

1.复习第九课生词 revises the words we have learned in lesson 9
造(zào) 纸(zhǐ) making paper 造(zào)句(jù) make a sentence
古(gǔ)代(dài) ancient times / olden times 一(yí)代(dài) generation
把(bǎ) particle marking the following noun as a direct object
把(bǎ)着(zhe) to hold / to grasp 把(bǎ) 手(shǒu) handle / grip / knob
竹(zhú)片(piàn) bamboo slice 方(fāng)便(biàn)convenient 便(pián)宜(yi) cheap 公(gōng)元(yuán)CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini) 公(gōng)园(yuán) park 决(jué)心(xīn) to make up one’s mind 树皮(shùpí) tree bark 皮肤(pífū) skin 皮(pí)包(bāo) leather bag 破(pò) 布(bù) rag 白(bái)布(bù)white cloth 花(huā)布(bù) printed cloth/floral cloth
打(dǎ) to beat / to hit / to break 打开(dǎkāi) to open 打(dǎ)破(pò) to break into pieces 晾干(liànggān) to dry 干净(gānjìng) clean 干活儿(gànhuóer) to work 之一(zhīyī) one of 之后(zhīhòu)after/following/afterward 之中(zhīzhōng)inside /among 之 literary equivalent of 的
2. 无拼音认字 learn words without pinyin
3. 听写 spelling test 18 words
4.家庭作业检查 造句 homework- make sentences
5. 造句练习 1. 是……的 2. 不是……的 make sentences
6. 读音区分 identify similar pronunciations
7. 阅读练习 reading the dialog
8. 说一说自己知道的发明 Talk about an invention you have known

家庭作业 Homework
1.复习第9课所有的词汇 每个词写两遍 write all the vocabulary in lesson 9, two times each, please.
3.用你知道的一项发明写一篇短文, 介绍给同学们(介绍发明者,此项发明对我们生活的影响)
Short essay: Introduce an invention you known(introduce the inventor, and how the invention affect our life)
4.预习第十课 龟兔赛跑 preview lesson 10 A Race between the Hare and the Tortoise
5.完成练习册A P67 P68-3 P69-5,6,7 P70, P71-3,4 ,P72,P73,P74-4, P75-5,6, P76, P77-3 P78,P79, P80,P81,P82 Finish all by 30th of May.
6. Continue YCT3 vocabulary learning