2020年06月27日 三年级家庭作业 27-06-2020
网上课程 Online lesson
1.听写测验 – 今天大家都表现很好唯有“货”, “员”最后笔划是一点不是弯勾。 Spelling Test – Please be aware “货 and 员“the last stroke should be a dot.
2.请大家说一说职业里有 师,员 或 家 的 工作
Talk about different job ending with 师,员, 家“
Review “zhong wen 2” lesson 4-7. The lesson contains read texts, review all vocabulary words, sentence patterns of each lesson, form phases, make sentences and finally end up each lesson by playing some games.
家庭作业 Homework
1.请复习第1 -7 课 的词汇 Please review vocabulary from Lesson 1-7
2.喜欢,教室,读书,写字,画画儿,放学,孩子,收拾,思考,头脑,双手,工作 – 各写2次, 并准备下周听写。
Please write 2 times on each vocabulary and prepare for spelling test next week.
3. 会,做,买,洗,又…..又….. , make sentences
4.请自行打印( 的,地,得)的练习题
Please finish the exercise paper which I post to you.