28.11.2020 GCSE

2020年11月28日 28.11.2020 GCSE

Plans for the future
Your school magazine seeks your opinions on your plans for the future. Write an article for the school magazine.
You must refer to the following points:
• your main interest
• which subject you enjoyed the most
• why young people should or should not go to university
• your ideal job in the future.
1)Job/career topic is always connected with “school subject”. “hobby” and “travelling” topics.
so please prepare “what do you like to do as your hobby?”, “which subject you like to learn in
school?” and “what your favourite travelling experience/travelling plan?”
hobby—–ideal job
favourite subject—ideal job
travelling experience/plan—-your choice of where you want to work(live)
2) The first bullet point: “your main interest”, so you need at the end focus on the most favourite
interest, and don’t forget to give reason.
我的爱好(兴趣)很多,比如说:A,B and C.我最喜欢的爱好是A, 因为A不但…,而且…(you can change into
other connection words)
有这些词汇可以用:很有趣,很有意思,很好玩,让我放松,对身体很好 and etc.
3)The second bullet point:” which subject you enjoyed the most”, “the most” is “最 ”, 你最喜欢什么
Choose one subject( not have to be real), prepare the reasons why you like it most, can be”很有趣/很
好玩/很有意思”, can be the subject teacher “很好,很热情,很爱帮助学生,讲的课很有趣 ”, can be the
subject is connected with your ideal job,eg:”我最喜欢A,因为我长大以后想做…”
4)The third bullet point, you can choose should or should not as your opinion, then write several
reasons to support your opinion. 去大学的好处“学到更多有用的知识/能有更好的工作/能认识更多更好的朋友…”
Start from”我觉得/我认为/在我看来/对我来说 ”, and pls use connection words to connect your reasons.
5) The forth bullet point, the ideal job in the future. please choose an occupation, prepare your
reasons, such as”这个工作很有意思/这个工作能帮助很多人/这个工作很有意义/这个工作能赚很多钱,我和家人能有更
好的生活 ”。Please use connection words.

2.和同学们一起,discuss what the advantages and disadvantages of different occupations. 让同学们写作时有内
3.阅读练习, sample about one student’s future plan.
问题, 帮助,将来,有用, 有趣,知识,梦想,理想,小时候,长大以后,重要,有意义。

1.lesson content 4 里的12 个词,自我检查,不会写的,请书写3遍,下周6老师会报听写。
self assessment of the 12 vocabularies in lesson content 4, if any you cant manage to write, pls
write 3 times. you will have dictation next Sat.

2. 写作(120-180字)
Writing task ( 120-180 words)

Plans for the future
Your school magazine seeks your opinions on your plans for the future. Write an article for the school
You must refer to the following points:
• your main interest
• which subject you enjoyed the most
• why young people should or should not go to university
• your ideal job in the future.