
2021年02月07日 二年级家庭作业07/02/2021

教学内容 (teaching content):

1. 分享日记(sharing diary)
2. 听写: 家 你 我 她 飞 草 林 坐 右 来 (dictation)
3. 学习生字:就 像 好 (组词、造句) (learning characters)
4. 课文以外生字:象
5. 做练习册A,第七课的阅读习题(practice reading of lesson 7 on workbook A)
6. 插入中国新年话题,看关于春节的视频 (talk about Chinese new year, and watch video of “Spring Festival”)
7. 学习课文“中文学校是我家” (learning “Chinese School Is My Home”)

家庭作业(home work):

1. “就 像 好”每个写抄五遍,加拼音。(write these characters five times each with PINYIN)
2. 用“就 像 好” 用每个字组词、造句, 不会的字用拼音代替。 (make a phrase with each character, then make a sentence with the phrase, use PINYIN if there are any characters you don’t know
3. 把听写没有写对的字,每个写五遍,加拼音。 (write the characters didn’t write correctly of dictation, five times each with PINYIN)
4. 写一篇日记 (write a diary)
5. 熟读课文并背诵 (read “Chinese School Is My Home” and recite)