2021年09月19日 2021-2022 Term1 W2 GCSE
Lesson content:
1.我们以“学校生活和未来发展计划” 为主话题进行了口语考试中Role play项目的练习,了解题目格式,明确答题思路,请同学们1对1练习。
We learnt the structure of “Role play” section in Speaking test, understand how to answer the related questions. We focused on the theme of “School life and future plan” and did 1 to 1 practice.
2.我们以“学校生活和未来发展计划” 为主话题进行了口语考试中photo card项目的练习,了解题目格式,明确答题思路,请同学们1对1练习。
We learnt the structure of “photo card” section in Speaking test, understand how to answer the
related questions. We focused on the theme of “School life and future plan” and did 1 to 1 practice.
3.口语考试中 unexpected 问题(“学校生活和未来发展计划”主题) 的集体讨论,其中六个问题为重点。
Group discuss on the list of “unexpected questions” in Speaking test (”School life and future plan” theme) There are 6 main questions.
We analysed the sample question to explain the marking scheme of Translation task in writing test. We
worked together to figure out what the key messages, vocabularies and grammar are.
5. 讨论Emma的中文发言,找出有问题的地方。
Discuss Emma’s Chinese speech, is there anything wrong?
6. 一起欣赏视频 “云合唱” 但愿人长久 (中秋节文化学习)
We watched video “Cloud Chorus Wishing you stay well” ( Moon festival culture study)
6 key questions, please prepare the answers in writing, and try to remember your answer, we will have 1 to 1 practice.