2021-2022 Term1 W5 GCSE 预备班 家庭作业 10月09日

2021年10月09日 2021-2022 Term1 W5 GCSE 预备班 家庭作业 10月09日

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新词汇 new vocabulary:
1.天气预报 weather forecast
2.停 to stop
3.啊 exclamation to show surprise
4.太糟糕了 too bad
5.这两天 last few days/recently
6.最好 had better to
7.雨伞 umbrella

语法知识 grammar:
1. “最好” 的用法
Used before the verb to suggest someone had better to do something.
2.比较 “最好” had better 和 “最好的” the best
3. Talking about proximity
To express proximity the structure is:
Place A 离 Place B 远 / 近。
The Park is not far from the cinema. 公园离电影院不远。
The school is very close to my house. 学校离我家很近。

家庭作业 homework:

1. 所有新学词汇每个写5遍 (please hand in before the lesson start next week)
2.用 “最好” , “最好的” “离” 每个词造两个不少于10个字的句子。Use the three words to make two sentences each, each sentence no less than 10 characters.
3.今天听写的20个词,下周重新听写。We will re-do the dictation next week, the same 20 words. Please revise all the words this week.

1.Richard/ Bosco / Neal/ Yudan上课积极举手回答问题,家宜认真记笔记,认真听讲。