2021年11月21日 2021-2022 Term1 W10 二年级家庭作业
Date: 20/11 /2021 Year group:二年级 第10节
Lesson content:
去 运动场 图书馆 教室 礼堂 体育馆
你去哪 ? Where are you going?
我去图书馆 。 I am going to the library。
你去运动场吗 ? Are you go to the sports ground?
我不去运动场。 No, I am not going to the sports ground。
2.New content
花园 门前 个 他 后 外 年 季 儿 看
花园 大门 后门 好看
我家有个小花园 My house has a small garden
3.课文 text
我家大门前,有个小花园,Front door of my house, there is a small garden,
他家后门外,有个大花园。back door of his house, there is a big garden.
一年四季花儿开,花儿开了多好看。Flowers open all the year round, the flowers open how beautiful.
数笔画,填空 (fill them in)
5.照例子连一连,组词语( link and form phrases after the model)
6.小知识(看视频) Knowledge (Watch video)
(Why do the flowers have different colors?)
(New words and sentences are required to be able to write and read)
生字词每个要求写10遍 (each new word is written 10 times)
2.整段课文要求背诵(The whole text requires a recitation)