2022年02月05日 2021-2022 Term2 W5 五年级教学内容及家庭作业(05/02/2022)
中文第四册 第7课《春晓》教学内容(05/02/2022)
Chinese Book 4 Lesson 7 Teaching Content of “spring morning” (05/02/2022)
1、复习Review:看英文说出中文Read English and speak Chinese
The dictation is all right:Chen Jiren,Xia Yinghao, , Huang Kaiwen, Wang Yucheng, You Yihao, Wang Huiyi
3、读作文。看视频,回答问题:春节有哪些习俗? Read the composition, watch the video, and answer the question: What are the customs of the Spring Festival?
4、学习唐诗《春晓》。题目告诉我们这首诗写在什么时间?春天有哪些美丽的景色,我们可以看到什么呢?(图片:画、草、树、小鸟)在春天里有怎样的心情?高兴、喜悦Study the Tang poem “Spring morning “. The title tells us when the poem was written? What are the beautiful sights in spring and what can we see? (Pictures: paintings, grass, trees, birds) How do you feel in spring? happy, joy
5、看图片听故事:写这首诗的作者叫孟浩然,春天里的一个夜晚,孟浩然在睡觉的时候,迷迷糊糊好像听见了下雨的声音和风的声音,第二天天亮了,他起床推开窗户,看到花落在了地上,于是就写下了这首诗。Look at the pictures and listen to the story: The author who wrote this poem is called Meng Haoran. One night in the spring, when Meng Haoran was sleeping, he seemed to hear the sound of rain and the wind in a daze. The next day it was dawn, and he got up. I opened the window and saw the flowers fell on the ground, so I wrote this poem.
6、学习生字词Learn new words:晓daybreak;眠to sleep;闻to hear;啼to cry;落to fall;处处everywhere;不觉unconsciously
7、朗读,用自己的话说出诗的意思Read aloud and say the meaning of the poem in your own words
8、用看图片、连线、填空的方式背诵古诗Recite ancient poems by looking at pictures, connecting lines, and filling in the blanks
1、中文练习册A Chinese Workbook A: P51-P57
2、背诵古诗。下周上课要默写出来。Recite ancient poems. I will write it out in class next week
3、以《春天到了》为题,写一篇150字左右的小短文,请选择使用以下我们所学过的词语“美丽、可爱、从…到…、十分、景色、暖和、健康、处处” Write a short essay of about 150 words with the title of “Spring Comes”, please choose to use the following words we have learned: “beautiful, lovely, from… to…, very, scenery, warm, healthy, everywhere”