2022年03月12日 2021-2022 Preschool 3月12日 教学内容及家庭作业
Lesson content:
Greetings: ‘你好,谢谢,不客气,对不起,再见‘ ‘Hello; Thank you; You are welcome; I am sorry; Byebye’
Video: 你好歌 – Please see last week’s lesson content
Colour: 红,黄,绿 ,蓝色,橙色(red, yellow, green, blue, orange)
Talk about favourite fruits&vegetables and their colours
Video: 颜色歌 Colour song – Please see last week’s lesson content & Basic Chinese: 颜色
眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,头发,身体,膝盖,肩膀 (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, body,Knee,shoulder)
Video: Please see last week’s content
Video: Head and Shoulder – Sing-along / Please see last week’s content
反义词:大,小,高,矮 (big, small, tall, short)
Video: 反义词歌 – Please see last week’s content
家人,他是谁 Family; Who is he?
Video: ‘七色龙’汉语分级第一级:家人: Basic Chinese: Family
Reading: 横 Heng,竖 Shu,撇 Pie,捺 Na, 一,二,三,四, 十
Language 1 (Reading: Strokes)
A.Reading: 点, 提,横折,竖钩 (Dian, Ti, Heng Zhe, Shu Gou)
C.Speaking: 这是 Zhe Shi,那是 Na Shi (This is, That is)
D. Writing: 一,二,三,四, 十 (1,2,3,4,10)
3.Culture to cover
Chinese Fans
The story of fan 扇子的故事; Make your own fan
Homework (will be tested during assessments at the beginning of next lesson):
-Practice greetings
-Practice strokes we learnt: 横,竖,撇,捺,点, 提,横折,竖钩
-Practice reading:一,二,三,四,十,
-Practice writing (optional only for older students): 一,二,三,四,八,人, 大,十
-Practice finding the opposite: big, small, tall, short大 (da),小 (xiao),高 (gao),矮 (ai)
-Practice ‘Ta Shi’: He is, she is in Chinese. ‘Zhe shi’, ‘Na Shi’: This is; That is