2022年07月03日 2021-2022 T3W9 Preschool Lesson Content and Homework 7月2日
Lesson content:
1.Revision (Please see videos from last week’s lesson):
Greetings: ‘你好 Ni Hao,谢谢 Xie Xie,不客气 Bu Ke Qi,对不起 Dui Bu Qi,没关系 Mei Guan Xi,再见 Zi Jian, 早上好 Zao Shang Hao,晚上好 Wan Shang Hao ‘
Plenary: Video: 你好歌 Hello Song from last week
Colour: 红,黄,绿 ,蓝色, 橙色, 金色,银色,黑色(red, yellow, green, blue, orange, gold, silver,black)
Plenary1: Video: 颜色歌 Colour song
Plenary 2: Talk about favourite fruits and their colours
Plenary 3: Group Quick Answer Race
眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,头发,身体,肩膀,膝盖,脚 (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, body, shoulder, knee)
Group dance: Head, shoulder, knees in Mandarin.
反义词:大,小,高,矮 ,快,慢(big, small, tall, short, fast, slow)
Video: 反义词歌 Song of Opposite (From last week’s video)
Shapes: 圆形 Yuan Xing: Round;方形 Fang Xing: Square; 椭圆Tuo Yuan: oval, 三角形San Jiao Xing: triangle; 菱形Ling Xing: Diamond; 心形 Xin Xing: Heart;梯形 (Ti Xing)扇形(Shan Xing):Sector;六边形
Reading: 从 cong: follow,禾 he: Seedling
Speaking (only speaking and listening, not reading): 上 Shang: Up,下 Xia: Down左 Zuo: Left,右 You: Right,前 Qian : Front,后 Hou: Back
Writing: 三,四,水,木,火,土
Homework (will be tested during assessments at the beginning of next lesson):
-Practice greetings
-Practice directions: 上 Shang: Up,下 Xia: Down左 Zuo: Left,右 You: Right,前 Qian : Front,后 Hou: Back
-Speaking: Shapes: 圆形 Yuan Xing: Round;方形 Fang Xing: Square; 椭圆Tuo Yuan: oval, 三角形San Jiao Xing: triangle; 菱形Ling Xing: Diamond; 心形 Xin Xing: Heart;梯形 (Ti Xing)扇形(Shan Xing):Sector; 六边形
-Practice strokes we learnt: 横,竖,撇,捺,点, 提,横折,竖钩, 横折勾,斜勾
-Practice reading:一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十, 人, 大, 天,山,上,火,水,木, 土,从,禾
-Practice writing: 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十, 人, 大, 天, 横,竖,撇,点,山,上,水, 木
-Practice finding the opposite: 大,小,高,矮 ,快,慢(big, small, tall, short, fast, slow)