2022年10月08日 一年级家庭作业 YEAR ONE HOMEWORK 08/10/2022
Date:08/10/2022 Year group:year 1
Lesson content:
1. 继续进行课前的日常汉语对话复习,这种反复的练习同样的日常对话我们会继续几个星期,一直到同学们都熟练掌握;你早上吃的什么?喝什么?继续数数 (1-100),唱星期歌, 对话练习:今天、昨天、明天星期几?以及回答;学习了新的日常用语: 几天是几月几号?今天是2022年10月8号(日)
2. 本节课的新内容:继续学习汉语乐园教材3A第一课 ,本节课加强巩固上节课学的 一年四季的汉语表达方法:以及春天, 夏天,秋天,冬天及学习了相关的词语 “(真)冷,热,暖和,凉快。在 这个基础上,看着PPT 进行句型的拓展练习: 秋天来了, 你喜欢秋天吗? 我喜欢秋天, 秋天很美,很凉快。。 。。, 和同学们 一起阅读了3A课文 扩展练习第一课 p8-p9; 学习了 儿歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX75s6aAFC8
3. 开始学习汉语拼音:āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě īĺĬȉ,ǖǘǚǜǔ,以及拼读练习
4. 继续复习之前学过的生字 : 要求会 : 听,说,读, 写的生字 水,冰,冷,热; 复习我们学过的生字:一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,日,口,日,田,电 ” 会认读的生字: 夏天,冬天,秋天,凉快,暖和
1. 阅读3A 课文页数6,8,9
2.复习汉语拼音的四声调的拼读练习 āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě ǖǘǚǜǔ
3.复习之前学的所有的生字 背着写出 能听说读写的生字
4 练习册的作业 p2 1题, 2题,3题
5 发的练习作业 (水,冰,冷 热)
Content of this lesson:
1. review the routine Chinese dialogue : what day is today? what day is yesterday? what day is tomorrow? What’s the weather look like today? What did you drink? What did you eat?
2. New Keep studying the first lesson of Chinese Paradise textbook 3A. As a result of the previous lesson, this lesson strengthens and consolidates the Chinese expression methods for the four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter, as well as the related words “(true) cold, hot, warm and cool.” On this basis, look at the PPT to expand the sentence pattern: Autumn is here, what do you think? Autumn is lovely and cool. …, I read 3A with my classmates Text Extended Exercise Lesson 1 on pages 8 and 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX75s6aAFC8
3. Chinese Pinyin (alphabet) :learned new :āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě īĺĬȉ,ǖǘǚǜǔ
4. review old words “水,冰,冷,热’ and review the previous words 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,口,日,田,电,春天 make sure can : write, speak, read and listen
Can recognize the words not compulsory write: 夏天,冬天,秋天,凉快,暖和
1. Read the text book 3A page 6,8,9
2. review pin yin b,p,m,f āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě and spelling
3. review all the words we have learned
4. Work book p2 question 1,2 and 3
5. Hand out homework (水,冰,冷,热)