2022年11月12日 2022-2023 Term1 W8 五年级教学内容及家庭作业
中文四册 第三课《凡尔赛宫》教学内容(12/11/2022)
Four Chinese Volumes Teaching Contents of Lesson 3 “The Palace of Versailles” (12/11/2022)
Review: Words and key sentence patterns in “The Palace of Versailles”
2、继续学习中文第三课《凡尔赛宫》,生字、词:“法国、巴黎、窗、映、如同……一样、里面、香、影、迷” Continue to study the third Chinese lesson “The Palace of Versailles”, new characters and words: “France, Paris, window, shadow, such as, the same, inside, incense, shadow, fan” 学习偏旁部首“厂”部、“彡”部
3、重点句型Key sentence pattern
A.比喻句:“如同……一样” Simile( like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as)
B. 形容词+的+名词(例:明净的湖 绿色的树 美丽的花)
Adjective + de + noun (example: clear lake, green tree, beautiful flower)
Structure combing (how the text introduces the Palace of Versailles):
The first paragraph tells us what information: location, name, purpose
The second paragraph introduces the interior furnishings of the Palace of Versailles
The third paragraph introduces the gardens of the Palace of Versailles
5、翻译课文Translate text
1、练习册A P26-34 Workbook A P26-34
2、下周听写Dictation next week:窗外、映入镜中、如同身在画中一样、里面、鸟语花香、影子、迷人