2022-2023 Term1 W10 Preschool 教学内容及家庭作业

2022年11月27日 2022-2023 Term1 W10 Preschool 教学内容及家庭作业

Lesson content:

-Hello Song (LittleFox: Hello) 你好歌
-Vocabulary: Greetings: Hello; Goodbye; Thank you; You are welcome; I am sorry; It is OK; Hello, Teacher (extra from last lesson: Hug, very good)
礼貌用语:你好,谢谢, 不客气,对不起,没关系,老师好
-Strokes / Bi Hua (撇,竖,横,捺,点,提, 横折,竖钩)
-Colour and shape: 黑色,紫色,金色,银色,蓝色, 红色,白色,正方形,三角形,圆形,菱形,心形,星星, 梯形,椭圆形,六边形,
Characters: 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八, 十,口,日,目,人, 大,天,干, 九,小,木,床, 雨,水,火, 土,多,少

Plenary: Shape treasure hunt
上 up: shang; 下 down: Xia, 左 Left: Zuo; 右 Right:You; 工 work/to work:Gong
C.Speaking: Directions: Up: shang; Down: Xia; Left:Zuo; Right:You
D.Writing: 三,五,七,九,目,人,天,土,干

Homework (preparation for next lesson):
-Practice greetings – will be tested at the beginning of next lesson
-Practice strokes and characters
-Practice numbers from 1 to 30
-Practice shapes and colours
-Practice rooms and things in the room
-Practice directions:Left, right, up,down

Recognition list:
Star students: 健宏 Sebastian