12-03 三年级课堂内容和作业

2022年12月03日 12-03 三年级课堂内容和作业

Date: 03-12-2022 Year group:Y3
Lesson content
• 用: 用笔use pen,用心 attentively, 用语 choice of words; term
• 记:日记(diary) , 笔记本 (notebook) ,记下来 (note down; remember )
• 请: 请坐 please sit down,请问 excuse me,请上车 please get on the car,请说中文 please speak Chinese
• 谢:谢谢,谢谢老师,不用谢 you’re welcome
New character and phrases

– 起:起来 stand up ,一起 together
– 对:对不起 sorry,对不对 right?,对手 opponent
– 再:请再来 please come again,再去 go again,再见 goodbye
– 没:没有,没去,没教,没看
– 关:关门 (close the door), 关好 (close properly ) ,关心 (care)
– 系:关系 (relation), 没关系 (that‘s okay)
– 做:做朋友 (to make friend) ,做老师 (to be a teacher) ,做学生
– 孩:小孩子 ,好孩子,做好孩子
句型 sentence pattern:
老师,您请坐。Teacher, please sit down.
请问,学校在哪里?Excuse me, where is the school?
大家站起来。Let’s stand up.
我们一起去中文学校。We go to Chinese school together.
我和弟弟一起画画儿。My brother and I draw together.
你说:“妈妈对不对?” You say, “is Mum right?”
云云是我的对手。Yun yun is my opponent.
– 我没有睡觉。I didn’t sleep.
– 我没去花园。I didn’t go to a garden.
– 老师没教我法语。Teacher doesn’t teach me French.
– 我没看电影。I didn’t watch movie.
– 请关门,谢谢。Please close the door.
– 请你把门关好。Please close the door properly.
– 爸爸十分关心他的汽车。Dad cares about his car very much.
– 我和冬冬做朋友。 I make friend with DongDong.
– 我想做老师。 I want to be a teacher.
– 你来做学生。You can be the student.
– 我不是小孩子。I am not a child.
– 有一个好孩子来我们家。A good child comes to my house.
– 我们做有礼貌的好孩子。We will be the children who has manners.

活动 (Activity) :b
1. 看字组词和造句 (Look at the pictures and form phrase and sentences
2. 介绍偏旁部首 ( radical)
3. 扩展和替换句子 (expand and substitute the sentences)
4. 眼明口快 (spot and say the phrases)

作业 Homework
– 作业本B第四课 星期一到星期三部分
– (complete L4 Monday to Wednesday )
– 词语写两次(包括上周词语)并选一词语造句
– (write the phrases twice ( including the phrases they learnt last week) and choose one phrase form each phrase group to make a sentence)

• 10/12 第一次测验考试,考试范围 L1-L3
10/12 will be our first exam, please revise