2023年01月07日 2022-2023 Term2 W1 五年级教学内容及家庭作业
中文第四册 第6课《猴子捞月亮》教学内容(07/01/2023)
Chinese Book 4 Lesson 6 Teaching Content of “Monkeys Try to Scoop up the Moon” (07/01/2023)
1、复习上学期学过的字词和句型Reviewing all the words and sentence pattern last term
2、学习新课《猴子捞月》看视频猴子捞月亮的故事,回答问题:A小猴子发现什么了?B猴子们怎么做?C月亮到底在哪里呢?它们捞上月亮来了吗?D井里的月亮其实是什么呢?Learn the new lesson ” Monkeys Try to Scoop up the Moon ” watch the video about the monkeys Try to Scoop up the Moon, and answer the question: a/What did the little monkey find? b/What do the monkeys do? c/Where is the moon? Did they catch the moon? d/What is the moon in the well?
3、学习字词Learn words:捞scoop up、晚上evening、一群group、啦modal particle、上来to come up、于是as a result、一直always
4、排练春节节目Practice Spring Festival Performance
1、中文练习册B Chinese Workbook B: P34—39
2、下周听写 :捞月亮、晚上、一群、上来啦、于是、一直