2023年02月04日 一年级作业04.02.23 YEAR ONE HOMEWORK
1. 进行课前的日常汉语对话练习。复习我们学过的日常对话和习惯用语。开始让学生在说的同时,能写出基本的习惯用语:你是哪国人?你几岁?我叫。。。。我是中国人,美国人,法国人。。。。。2023 年2月4日;“今天星期几?今天星期六”;在同学们熟练的掌握的日常对话里,今天天气怎么样?今天下雨,刮风,下雪,晴天,阴天;冬天来了,很冷; 夏天来了,很热; 秋天来了很凉快; 春天来了,很暖和。
revison:review the daily dialoue. Started to train the student not only speak the daily dialogue but also can write down some of them. begin with “what’s your nationality; how old are you? What’s s your name ? what day is today, today is Saturday”Chinese review last lesson sentence : I like singing, dancing, watch film, listen to the music, how about you? I also trained them by using the falsh card (no pictures only with pinyin on the words)to make the dialogues and expanded it. Request students can recognise, listen, read 春天,夏天,秋天,冬天,凉快,暖和,热,冷, sentences : spring is coming. It is warm; Winter is coming, it is cold; summer is coming, it is hot;
2. 本节课的新内:汉语乐园教材3A第六课, 学习句型:多少钱?中文的 重量单位的用法: 斤, 钱币的用法 元, 块; 复习扩展句型:你好?你要买什么?我要买。。。; 多少钱?。继续复习生字“苹果,西瓜,菠萝,梨,香蕉,橘子我,你,爱好,唱歌儿,跳舞,玩儿电子游戏,画画儿,看电影,听音乐。及用新学生字进行句型的扩展练习。课堂的游戏练习,说一说猜一猜的游戏。让同学们在娱乐中认知生字和拼读。要求学生进行句型扩展练习,会认知,听,说 “薯片儿,糖,冰淇淋,汉堡包,三明治,巧克力,唱歌儿,跳舞,玩儿电子游戏,看电影,听音乐” 本节课要求 听 说 读 写的新生字 ~头,买,卖,和”
new lesson: learn the book 3A lesson 6, new sentence :how much is it ? Chinese money YUAN and weight quantity : JIN extended sentences: What do you want to buy ? I want to buy。。。 and ,,,, 。 New words : 头,买卖,和sing, dance, play the computer game, drawing, watch the film, listen to the music, new words can be listen, read, write and speak 我,你,爱好
3 学唱歌曲 “听我说谢谢你;Learn to sing: LISTEN TO ME SAY THANK YOU
4 学习绕口令
Tongue twister
5会听说读写 :多少钱? 你要买什么?头,买卖,”复习学过的: “会打棒球”复习学过的:和,我,你,爱好,田,电,画画儿,唱 歌儿,我会打网球, 下,雨,雪,电,口,月,大,小 春天 人日,明,来了,果汁水,冰, 热,冷,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
new words learning and old words revision, practiced YCT-1 reading ; new words can write, listen,read, speak 多少钱? 你要买什么?头,买卖,”复习学过的: “会打棒球”复习学过的:和,我,你,爱好,田,电,画画儿,唱 歌儿,我会打网球, 下,雨,雪,电,口,月,大,小 春天 人日,明,来了,果汁水,冰, 热,冷,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
6. 汉语拼音的声母和韵母整体认读
continued to practice pinyin.
1. 和家里成员练习对话 你要买什么?我要买…….和………. 多少钱?。。。元
2. 阅读课文3A 第六课的课文
1.Practice new dialogue and new words learned “what do you want to buy? I want to buy ….and……?how much
2. Read the text book 3A lesson 5 extend sentences
3. practice hand out : 多少钱大小