一年级作业 YEAR ONE HOME 20.05.23

2023年05月20日 一年级作业 YEAR ONE HOME 20.05.23


1.复习之前学习过的句型,生字 (教材 3A 和3B 的内容)
”Review the previous we have learned sentences, vocabularies.(Text book 3A and 3B)

2. 本节课的新内容:中文教材第一册。第一课,生字和词汇的学习:
-复习我们学过的 “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
-复习我们学过的生字: 人,头,口,大,小,多,少
-新生字的学习: 百,目,耳, 手 足
-阅读: 猜谜语 和 读儿歌(教材P5)
New Lesson: started a new text book “CHINESE”, lesson one
-Review the words we learned before 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
-Review the words we learned before: 人,头,口,大,小,多,少
new words we learned this lesson 百 (100 ),目(eye),耳(ear), 手(hand) 足(feet)
-Reading “make a guess and Read the Chldren ‘s Song (text book P5)

3. 汉语拼音的声母和韵母整体认读
continued to practice pinyin.

4. 生字的练习 新生字的讲解 百,目,耳, 手,足(friend)卡片 (card)及练习””复习学过的:朋友,卡片,我坐火车去旅行,生日快乐,公园怎么走?”走,左右,石 ” 我在洗澡; 在做什么?“我有体育课“””会听说读写 :中文音乐课多少钱,你要买什么,头,买卖 : “会打棒球”复习学过的:和,我,你,爱好,田,电,画画儿,唱 歌儿,我会打网球, 下,雨,雪,电,口,月,大,小 春天 人日,明,来了,果汁水,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
, new words learning 百 (100 ),目(eye),耳(ear), 手(hand) 足(feet) “坐火车去 (go by train)公园怎么走?how to get /go there (怎么走?)” and old words revision, 左 (let)右 (right)后 (back)洗澡 (have a bath),吃饭 (eat meal),中文 Chinese)音乐课 (Music lesson ),吃西瓜 (eat watermelon),头,(head)买 (buy )卖 (sell),和 (and)),我 (I),你 (you),爱好 (hobby),田 (filed),电(electricity),画画儿 (drawing),唱 (sing) ”:今天星期几? (what day is today)打,(play)会 (can ),网球 (tennis), 下(down),雨(rain),雪(snow),,口(mounth),月 (month),大(big),小 (small)春天 (spring) 人(person)日 (sun),明,来了(coming),果汁 (juice)水 (water),冰(ice),风 (wind),明天(tomorrow),一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,


1. 练习我们学过的所有生字(查看老师发的那张生字表)
2. 中文练习册 A, P1 Q 1, 2;P2Q 2,3,P3 Q1 , P4 Q 4 最后是P5 问题6读一读
3. 阅读教材P9 读一读

1.Practice all the words we have learned before (go through the Vocabularies Sheet teacher issued before)
2. Exercise book A P1 Q 1,2; P2 Q2 and 3; P3 Q1; P4 Q 4 and last P5 Q6 read
3. Read text book P9