2023年6月18日家庭作业 Homework

2023年06月18日 2023年6月18日家庭作业 Homework

6月18日课堂内容:Teaching content

1. 学习并书写了“父亲节快乐” (See detail in Homework)
2. Review all the vocabulary and sentence from Textbook 2B.
3. 父亲节贺卡涂色。(Colouring the picture relating to father’s day)


1. 点击链接,朗读PDF文件中的词语及句子。(Read the vocabularies and sentences from the PDF file)

2. Use the Chinese Paradise Book 2 (flash card) (See picture below) to help children to review all the vocabularies we learn from 《Chinese Paradise Book 2B》

3. 汉字书写 – 按笔顺书写PDF文件中的汉字。 (Please click the link and use the PDF file to help with Chinese character writing. Please follow the correct stroke orders)