2023年09月23日 2023-2024 Term1 W3 五年级教学内容及家庭作业
2023-2024 Term1 W3 五年级教学内容及家庭作业
中文四册 第一课《给爷爷的一封信》教学内容(23/09/2023)
Four Chinese Volumes Lesson 1 “A Letter to Grandpa”Teaching Plan (23/09/2023)
1中秋的习俗Customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 学习词汇:吃月饼eat mooncakes、看花灯Watch lanterns、赏月admiring the moon
2复习上周所学字词Review the words learned last week
4翻译课文Translate text
5学习中文书信的格式learn the format of Chinese letters
6课堂练习Class exercises
一、练习册A: 星期五 P14—17
二、下周听写(Vocabulary test next week ): 一封信a letter 邮票stamp首都capital 那里there广场 square plaza全家whole family、今后in the future、争取strive for、进步progress 、提高improved
三、中秋节就要到了,按照中文书信的格式,给远方的亲人或朋友写一封信,请包含以下几点:1、告诉对方你在学习中文,你喜欢中文吗?为什么?2、告诉对方中秋节有哪些习俗?(吃月饼eat mooncakes、看花灯Watch lanterns 赏月admiring the moon)在中秋节这一天你会做什么? 3、祝福对方
The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. According to the format of a Chinese letter, write a letter to your relatives or friends far away. Please include the following points: 1. Tell the other party that you are learning Chinese. Do you like Chinese? Why? 2. Tell the other person what are the customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival? (eat mooncakes、Watch lanterns 、admiring the moon) 3. Bless each other