2023年10月1日 (国庆节) 家庭作业 — Homework

2023年10月01日 2023年10月1日 (国庆节) 家庭作业 — Homework

2023年10月1日 课堂内容:Teaching content

1. 快速复习了四季的生词。(Quickly reviewed the vocabularies related with the four seasons.)
2. 学习了关于中秋节的新词汇. (Learn new vocabularies about the Mid-Autumn Festival which you could find them from the homework)
3. 看视频了解中秋节。(Watch the video to learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival)
4. 学习视频中李白的唐诗《静夜思》。Study Li Bai’s Tang poem “Thoughts in a Tranquil Night” in the video.
5. 叶子创意画,之后展示并讲述。Creative leaf painting followed by show and tell.


1. 点击链接,复习中秋节词汇及唐诗《静夜思》。 Click on the link to review the Mid-Autumn Festival vocabularies and the Tang poem “Thoughts in a Tranquil Night”

2. 更多中秋节词汇。More Mid-Autumn Festival vocabularies

3. 唐诗《静夜思》详解。Detailed explanation of the Tang poem “Silent Night Thoughts”

4. 汉字书写 – 点击链接,按笔顺书写PDF文件中的汉字。 (Please click the link and use the PDF file to help with Chinese character writing. Please follow the correct stroke orders)
If child born before 2018, they can do first page or both pages. If child born after 2018, just do second page.