2023年10月12日 2023年10月08日 家庭作业 — Review & Homework
n addition to revising the previous vocabulary, we’ve introduced new words: 四sì (four), 五wǔ (five), and 六liù (six). I’m genuinely impressed by their eagerness to learn; they are self-motivated in acquiring the ability to write these characters. Everyone has displayed proficiency on the whiteboard, practicing both reading and writing. Fantastic effort, everyone!
Furthermore, besides the weather topics we covered last week, we’ve also added the words 冷lěng (cold) and 热 rè (hot). The children have excelled in conveying these weather conditions through body expressions.
For homework, kindly assist them in reviewing the Chinese number cards from last week and they should be able to read those words by practise(attached). We’ve progressed up to six. If your children feel like to practise writing those words in Writing, he/she is welcome to try.
Additionally, please revisit the weather song (link below) and practice the updated word wall. (link below)