Sevenoaks 幼儿B班 2023年11月19日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework

2023年11月20日 Sevenoaks 幼儿B班 2023年11月19日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework

本节课我们学习了关于国家的话题。例如“你来自哪个国家?” “你去过哪个国家?” 通过图片和视频一起了解了中国、英国、法国、美国各自的特色建筑和文化,并通过游戏认识国家名称,位置和国旗。请家长帮助孩子阅读PDF中的国家名称,以及问答对话。

During the lesson, we talked about countries and practiced asking and answering some questions about it, such as Which country are you from? Which countries have you been to? By looking at some pictures and videos, we learnt about the famous buildings and cultures in China, the UK, France and the US, followed by reading the names in Chinese and memorizing their location and flags. Please help your child to review the country names and practice conversitions in document below.

国家名称及对话 Country names and conversitions


We learn how to write 人 and 中。 Please use the PDF file to practice, following the correct stroke order.
14-01-2024 写字练习