2023年11月26日 家庭作业 Homework

2023年11月26日 2023年11月26日 家庭作业 Homework

2023年11月26日 课堂内容:Teaching content

1. 复习了《中文》第一课中生词,主要是听写一到十以及百和千。(We have revised thethe vocabularies from 《中文》lesson 1, mainly dictation from one to ten and hundreds and thousands)
3. 一起朗读了《中文》第一课的阅读部分。We read the reading part of the first lesson of the textbook together.
4. 学习了拼音的构成(声母,韵母和声调)及拼读方法。本周主要掌握声母部分。Learned the composition (Initial, finals and tones)and pronunciation of Pinyin. This week we mainly need to master the initial part.
5. 看视频学习声母及韵母。Watch videos to learn initial consonants and finals.


1. 朗读PDF文件中的短文。复习PDF文件中的声母部分,争取记住他们。Read short passages in PDF files. Review the initial consonants in the PDF file and try to remember them.

2. 看视频学习拼音声母歌。Watch the video to learn Pinyin song (initial part).

Monday – Friday: exercise 1 for each day (Learn to write part). Try to remember all the words 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,百,千。

Below is last week’s homework, if anyone haven’t finished yet, please continue with them this week.
Monday: Page 3, exercise 4.
Tuesday: pages 4-5, exercises 4, 5, 6
Wednesday: pages 7-8, exercises 4, 6
Thursday: page 10, exercises 4, 5
Friday: page 11-12, exercises 1, 4,