Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2023年12月10日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework

2023年12月13日 Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2023年12月10日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework

This week, we learned some Chinese expressions and words related to Christmas. We discussed activities for the Christmas season and how to celebrate the holiday. Additionally, we shared two Christmas stories: one is titled “我的爷爷是圣诞老人” and the other is called “100个圣诞老人.”

We also practiced Chinese New Year songs, including the Chinese poem “春晓” and another Chinese song called “新年好.” It would be greatly appreciated if your children could practice a bit during the Christmas holiday to prepare for our Chinese New Year performance. Here are the links to the practice videos: