2023-2024 学前班Reception教学内容及家庭作业27-01-2024

2024年01月28日 2023-2024 学前班Reception教学内容及家庭作业27-01-2024

阅读汉语乐园2B Chinese Paradise text book 2B

1. 课堂学习Lesson Contents

词汇 vocabulary:护士 nurse,工人worker ,农民 farmer,警察 police,

司机driver, 厨师 chef , 职员 staff , 医生 doctor
新生字 character : 工 work

2. 复习:通过字卡,图片提示复习。
Review: Using cards and pictures to review.

(1) 国家 (Countries)
中国 China, 美国 America,澳大利亚 Australia,加拿大Canada ,英国 UK,法国France

(2) 北京- Beijing 伦敦- London 纽约-New York
温哥华- Vancouver 悉尼- Sydney 巴黎- Paris

(3) 复习句型:我从北京来。
Sentence:I come from Beijing.
She comes from London.

(4) 早上 morning , 中午noon, 下午afternoon, 晚上evening

(5) 身体部位 (Body parts)
头 head,脸 face,眼睛eye, 鼻子nose, 嘴巴mouth, 耳朵ears, 肩膀shoulder 手hand 膝盖 knees, 脚 feet

(6) 水果(fruits)
苹果 apple,香蕉 banana,橙子 orange,梨 pear,草莓 strawberry

(7) 反义词(opposite words)
大big -小small,多more -少less,快fast -慢slow,长long -短short

(8) 星期一 Monday,星期二 Tuesday,星期三 Wednesday,星期四 Thursday,星期五 Friday,星期六Saturday,星期日Sunday.

昨天 Yesterday,今天 Today,明天 Tomorrow
月Month, 日Day.

(9) 月份:一月 January,二月February,三月March,四月April,五月May,六月June,七月July,八月August,九月September,十月October,十一月November,十二月December.

(10) 今天几月几号?今天是十二月二号。
What day is it today? Today is December 2nd

(11) 复习句型:现在几点?
Sentence:What time is it?
It’s 3 o’clock.

复习句型:A: 你是哪国人? B: 我是中国人。
A: 他是哪国人? B: 他是英国人。
Sentence:A: What is your nationality? B: I’m Chinese.
B: What is his nationality? B: He is British.

(12) 车站 bus station, 公园 park, 超市 supermarket,
邮局 post office, 商店store, 图书馆 library,
学校 school

(13) 句型:你去学校吗?我去/我不去。
Sentence: Are you going to school? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.
Are you going to the park? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.

(14) 词汇:厨房kitchen , 花园 garden, 卧室 bedroom, 书房 study room, 客厅 living room, 阳台 balcony, 卫生间 bathroom

(15) 句型: 爸爸在哪?爸爸在花园。
Sentence: Where is daddy? Daddy is in the garden.

4. 活动:Activity:
• 小组口语练习(小组进行对话练习)
Group dialogue practice
• 身体体操
Body exercises.
• 讨论与分享- 我的爸爸,妈妈做什么工作?
Discuss: What is my mummy’s and daddy’s job?
• 游戏:
• 课堂练习:
Class exercise:

• 阅读汉语乐园2B,第七课,阅读第6页新词组。如有汉语乐园2B活动手册请完成第七课,练习2。如没有, 请练习写“工,gong” 课本第九页。
Homework: Practice reading new words on P6, Lesson 7, at Chinese Paradise Student’s book 2B. If you have the Chinese Paradise exercise book 2B, please complete Lesson 7, exercises 2. If not, please learn to write “工,gong” in text book p9.
• 阅读汉语乐园2A, P36。
Practice reading Chinese Paradise Student’s book 2A,P36.