2024年03月09日 year one homework 一年中文作业
1. 进行课前的日常汉语对话练习。继续复习我们学过的日常对话和习惯用语。句型的听说读写:我去公园打网球;妈妈在公园做什么?妈妈在吃饭。姐姐在公园做什么?姐姐在画画。 哥哥在公园做什么?哥哥在唱歌儿。请问,书店怎么走? 公园怎么走?往左/右转,一直走,你有什么课?我有中文课/音乐课。今天下雨;明天下雪,很冷,春天来了,很热,你在做什么? 我在洗澡;我会打网球; 反义词的练习: 大小,冷热,多少
revison:continued to review the daily dialoue. Started to train the student not only speak the daily dialogue but also can write down some of them.妈妈在公园做什么?(what is mum doing in the park?)妈妈在吃饭 (mum is eating the neal)姐姐在公园做什么?what is sister doing in the park? Sister is drawing. 请问,书店怎么走?公园怎么走?往左/右转,一直走,你有什么课?我有中文课/音乐课, 今天下雨 Today is raining;明天下雪 tomorrow is going to snow, it is very coldqing,春天来了 spring is coming,你在做什么 what are you doing ? 我在洗澡 ;我会打网球 I can play the tennis. Antonym practice: 大(big)小(small),冷(cold)热(hot),多(many)少(less),
2. 本节课的新内容:汉语乐园教材3B第四(十)课, 学习新句型:“我们坐飞机去旅行;句型生字讲解:开, 骑的不同用法。句型的拓展练习:“坐汽车去学校”“坐轮船去旅行”。你们去哪儿?我们去旅行?要去哪儿?北京,上海,香港,山西。怎么去?坐飞机。要求听,说,读,写的生字“坐火车, 开飞机”要求会说,会认,会读的生字“开飞机,开汽车,开轮船,骑自行车,坐火车、汽车、轮船,地铁, 出租车。观看了交通工具的歌曲及视频。学习了新的诗歌“登鹳雀楼”
new lesson: learn the book 3B lesson four (ten), new sentence : We are going to travel by airplane. Explain the difference between “ride and drive” and also expaned the sentences; Where are you going? We are going to travel. Where are you going and by what means? Also we learned new patterns “airplane (飞机)train (火车)car or bus (汽车);drive (开)ride (骑). The new words can be listen, read, write and speak “坐火车 (by train)开飞机 (drive the airplane);
An Ancient Poem “deng guanque lou” also learning an Idiom: the fox assuming the Majesty of the Tiger. During the class, also watched and explained the “dragon boat festival”
3. 汉语拼音的声母和韵母整体认读
continued to practice pinyin.
4. 学过的要求 听说读写的生字:
Words learned need to write, read, speak and listen 坐火车去(sit on train, go)石头(stone),公园(park),妈妈(mum),姐姐(sister),妹妹(younger sister),弟弟(younger brother),哥哥(older brother) 我在公园打网球,妈妈在公园吃饭,哥哥在公园唱歌儿, 左 (left)右(right)后(back)在(at, present)石(stone) 你在做什么?what are you doing? 洗澡 (have a bath),吃饭 (eat meal),中文 Chinese)音乐课 (Music lesson ),sentences practice: 你有什么课 我有中文课。(what lesson do you have? I have Chinese lesson /music lesson/PE lesson))?头,(head)买 (buy )卖 (sell),和 (and)),我 (I),你 (you),爱好 (hobby),田 (filed),电(electricity),画画儿 (drawing),唱 (sing) 歌 (song)”:今天 ( today)打,(play)会 (can ),网球 (tennis), 下(down),雨(rain),雪(snow),,口(mounth),月 (month),大(big),小 (small)春天 (spring) 人(person)日 (sun),明,来了(coming),果汁 (juice)水 (water),冰(ice),风 (wind),明天(tomorrow),冷,(cold) 热(hot)一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,
1. 和家里成员练习对话 你去哪儿?我去北京,香港,上海,西安; 你怎么去?我坐飞机/火车/汽车/轮船/骑自行车去旅行。。。
2. 阅读课文3B 第十课 的课文 P24,P25,P26
3.写生字 坐火车去。写句型:我坐火车去旅行; 建议同学 自己写句子:妈妈坐飞机去旅行;姐姐坐火车去旅行;等等
4. 复习我们学过的所有的要求能听说读写的生字和句型
坐火车去旅行,公园,我在公园打网球;我在公园唱歌儿左 右后在石 你在做什么?我在 洗澡。吃饭 中文音乐课 : 你有什么课 我有中文课。头,买 卖 和 我 你 爱好 田 电,画画儿 唱 歌 儿今天下雨 会 打网球 明天下,雪,口 月 大 小 春天 人日 明,来了果汁 水 冰 风 冷 热 多少钱一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,
1.Practice new dialogue and new words learned “where are you going ? I am going to travel by train (airplane, car, ship and bike)”
2. Read the text book 3B lesson 10 P24, P25,P26
3. practice 坐火车去 write on hand out sheet, and write a sentence : 我坐火车去旅行 (I am going to travel by train)students can make their own sentences by using : mum, older sister, younger sister and brother ect
4 review all the words we learned