YEAR ONE 一年级中文作业 23/03/2024

2024年03月23日 YEAR ONE 一年级中文作业 23/03/2024

1.复习了上节课学过的句型“生日快乐; 祝你生日快乐。 爸爸、妈妈,姐姐,妹妹,哥哥,弟弟 送我一个娃娃,一张卡片,一个蛋糕(礼物)你去哪儿?我去旅行” 你怎么去?我坐火车,汽车,轮船,骑自行车去。“请问书店怎么走?句型扩展练习:怎么做?怎么写、说?往左走,往右走,一直走”。新生字 学校,公园,前,后,左右,中,车站,听歌曲:前后左右歌及绕口令练习。要求听,说,读,写的生字“学校,家,左,右,中”要求会说,会认,会读的生字“前,后,怎么走(做)公园,商店”妈妈(爸爸、弟弟、哥哥 姐姐)在做什么?在吃饭,看报纸,睡觉,写作业,上网。 同时复习“你有什么课?我有“体育课,数学课,中文课,,地理课,历史课,自然课,英文课”。”除了让学生熟练掌握并扩充句型的练习,还要求同学们认知生词卡片(没图片,只有生字和小小拼音标注)进行句型会话练习。

revison:review “Happy birthday to you; dad/mum/sister/younger sister/brother/younger brother give me a doll/a card/a cake/ gift; where are you going? I am going to travel. By car, train,airplane…”“May I ask where I can get book store? towards left, right; go stright, go backwards。 Also we learned new patterns “shcool, park, store, front, back, left , right. The new words can be listen, read, write and speak “学校(school),家(home)左(left)右 (right)” words can be read, recognise, listening only “公园(park)商店(shop)前(front)后(back);
An Ancient Poem “jing ye si” also learning an Idiom: the fox assuming the Majesty of the Tiger. During the class, also watched and explained the “dragon boat festival”
I also trained them by using the falsh card (no pictures only with pinyin on the words)to make the dialogues and expanded it. Request students can recognise, listen, read ,历史,地理,数学,中文,英文,自然,绘画” can write thewords “体育课” reviewed the previous lesson’s dialogues. what is mum/dad/brother/sister doing? what lessons do you have?

2. 本节课的新内容:汉语乐园教材3B第六(十二)课, 学习新词汇和句型:春节,新年,圣诞节,看朋友,看爷爷和奶奶,讲解”快”的意思:快乐,速度的快; 快到了,讲解“要” 和“想”新年快到了, 你要做什么?我要去看朋友,我要去旅行,我要去打网球。。。。

new lesson: learn the book 3B lesson six (twelve), new sentence and words : spring festival, new year, Christmas, visit friend, visit Granddad and Grandma, explain 快, it has two meanings “happy , quick. Explain “want” ; Sentences: New year is coming, what do you want to do? Want , new year is coming, what do you want to do? I want to visit my friend, go travel, Today is my birthday. Dad gives me a gift. Happy birthday. Also we learned new patterns “cake (飞机)礼物 (gift)生日卡 (birthday card);娃娃 (doll)手表 (watch). ;
3. 汉语拼音的声母和韵母整体认读
continued to practice pinyin.

4. Words learned need to write, read, speak and listen new words: 我要去看朋友(I want to visit friend)我要去旅行 (I want to go travel)生日快乐 (Happy Birthday)句型: 祝你生日快乐 (sentences : wish you happy birthday)坐火车去(sit on train, go)石头(stone),公园(park),妈妈(mum),姐姐(sister),妹妹(younger sister),弟弟(younger brother),哥哥(older brother) 我在公园打网球,妈妈在公园吃饭,哥哥在公园唱歌儿, 左 (left)右(right)后(back)在(at, present)石(stone) 你在做什么?what are you doing? 洗澡 (have a bath),吃饭 (eat meal),中文 Chinese)音乐课 (Music lesson ),sentences practice: 你有什么课 我有中文课。(what lesson do you have? I have Chinese lesson /music lesson/PE lesson))?头,(head)买 (buy )卖 (sell),和 (and)),我 (I),你 (you),爱好 (hobby),田 (filed),电(electricity),画画儿 (drawing),唱 (sing) 歌 (song)”:今天 ( today)打,(play)会 (can ),网球 (tennis), 下(down),雨(rain),雪(snow),,口(mounth),月 (month),大(big),小 (small)春天 (spring) 人(person)日 (sun),明,来了(coming),果汁 (juice)水 (water),冰(ice),风 (wind),明天(tomorrow),冷,(cold) 热(hot)一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,


1. 和家里成员练习对话 春节快到了,新年快到了,圣诞节快到了 你要做什么? 我要看朋友,我要去旅行。。。。。
2. 阅读课文3B 12 课的课文 P36 A&p38

3.写生字 “我要去看朋友”。句型 我要去旅行;复习我们学过的所有的生字

1.Practice new dialogue and new words learned lesson “new year is coming; what do you want to do? I want to visit friend”
2. Read the text book 3B lesson 12
3. practice 我要去看朋友 sentence: 我要去旅行, 我要去打网球, 。。。