2023-2024 Sevenoaks Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业05-05-2024

2024年05月05日 2023-2024 Sevenoaks Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业05-05-2024

This week in Chinese lesson, we continued reviewing the topics we covered last term, including numbers 1-20, Chinese writing from 一 to 二十, and weather terms: 晴天 (sunny), 阴天 (cloudy), 雨天/下雨 (rainy), 刮风 (windy), and 下雪 (snowy).
We also covered shapes: 圆形 (circle), 正方形 (square), 长方形 (rectangle), 三角形 (triangle), 椭圆形 (oval), 五边形 (pentagon), 菱形 (diamond), 星形 (star), and 心形 (heart).
Additionally, we learned new vocabulary related to stationery, including 笔 (pen), 纸 (paper), 尺子 (ruler), 书包 (backpack), 书 (book), 本子 (notebook), 橡皮 (eraser), 剪刀 (scissors), and 胶水 (glue). We also practiced the sentence structure: “你有XX(笔)吗?” (Do you have XX (pen)?) – “我有XX(笔)” (I have XX (pen)). Our children are now able to answer questions and hold conversations with each other.
We introduced the four seasons (四季): 春天 (spring), 夏天 (summer), 秋天 (autumn), 冬天 (winter), and their differences with a PowerPoint presentation. Our children are now able to draw different items representing each season. For example, in spring (春天), we could see flowers, fresh green leaves, and little flowers, etc., all depicted in their drawings.
In today’s writing session, we reviewed the words 大 (big) and 小 (small), and learned three new characters: 上 (up), 中 (middle), and 下 (down). Please see the practice sheets in your child’s backpack.
For homework this week:
1. Please review the weather songs at home: https://youtu.be/tyo3Rzbtl3w?si=UIe7MQGdUYaKMxzA
2. Review the four seasons ppt (attached below) : 春天chun tian, 夏天xia tian, 秋天qiu tian , 冬天dong tian
3. Review the stationary vocabularies on wordwall: https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/72668458
4. Review the vocabularies we learnt in term 3 so far: https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/72668815