05/01/2019二年级中文课(Y2,05/01 Chinese)

2019年01月07日 05/01/2019二年级中文课(Y2,05/01 Chinese)


学习内容-What Did We Do
1, Warm-Up: 我们谈论了假期生活、礼物、最开心的事儿。Warm-up by talking about the holiday, presents, and best memories in Chinese.
2, 学习第12课:新年好。重点字:新,年,热闹。重点句型:XX到了。逐字讲解诗歌内容。Start Lesson 12,Key words: 新,年,热闹;sentence pattern: XX到了。
3,学习新偏旁:灬,即四点水或者四点底。Learn New Radical: 灬

1,听写:新年到,真热闹。Spelling: 6 words, 1 sentence. (first line of the lesson)
2,练习册B,Lesson 12,Tuesday-Thursday.

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 新年伊始,我们先学习《新年好》这一课,是希望学习与生活联系起来,效果比较好。课堂上我们讲了新年和春节(中国新年)的区别,请家长在生活中也有意识地给孩子讲讲。我们将随后学习第10/11课。We skipped 2 lessons to Lesson 12 “Happy New Year” on purpose, this is for the better result of learning, given the fact that we just started a new year. Students were taught the deference of New Year and Chinese New Year, parents may reinforce the 2 concepts and re-discuss with you child. We will come back to Lesson 10-11 later.
2,为准备新年晚会,下节课将给每个同学布置一篇课文或者古诗词(都是已经学过的),作为我们班诗词连诵的内容。请家长鼓励孩子参加,并且在家中适当练习。In order to prepare the Chinese New Year party, each student will be given a poem we already learnt. They will be required to read/recite aloud. Please help them to practice.

感谢家长支持!Thanks as always!