
2021年03月13日 五年级教学内容及家庭作业13/03/2021

一、教学内容teaching content
1.复习字词及听写 review last week words and spelling
2.第七课《古诗二首》Lesson 7
1)生词:new words
晓, 眠,睡眠,失眠,冬眠,古诗,诗歌,不知不觉,闻,新闻,见闻,闻到香味,啼,落,落叶,落日,一首诗
2)解释翻译古诗 explain and translate the poetry
3)文化背景介绍 explain the background of the poetry
4)朗读,背诵古诗 read the poetry by hart
3.《春天》主题作文讲解 explain how to write the topic about Spring
4.评讲作业 review the last weeks’ homework

1.《春天》为题目写一篇作文 write an essay with topic < Spring >
2.背诵《春晓》发到微信群 read 《春晓》 by hart and submit to the wechat group