家庭作业 08.10.16(Homework 08.10.16)

2016年10月09日 家庭作业 08.10.16(Homework 08.10.16)


1. 生字的听写练习 “春天 ” 及“一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十 继续进行课前的日常汉语对话复习,及复习了上节课学习的一年四季及生字“热,凉快,冷, 暖和”以及句型“你喜欢春天吗?春天暖和, 夏天热,秋天凉快。

2. 本节课的新内容:继续学习汉语乐园教材3A第二课, 学习了新生字  “下雨了,下雪,刮风, 阴天,天气,怎么样”;听说句型“今天天气怎么样?”对话的扩充练习 “明天天气怎么样?昨天天气怎么样”. 看了视频“今天天气怎么样?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmriPlBrg2Q 和同学们学唱了歌曲 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn2sjCU6mnc 。和同学们一起阅读了小诗歌 “ 数数手指头” 我有一双小小手,一只左来一只右。小小手,小小手,四五六,七八九,一共十歌手指头。和 “春天的颜色” 小草说,春天是绿色的。花儿说,春天是红色的。黄莺说,春天是黄色的。妈妈说,春天是五颜六色的。
3. 汉语拼音复习了我们学过的声母和韵母并进行了拼读的练习:b p m f d t n l j q x; āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéěè īíǐì ūúǔù ǖǘǚǜ;及 ai, ei ,ui ,ao ,ou, iu ,ie, ue, er, dao, xiu, tou, 及新拼音的学习 zh,ch,sh 四声调的练习及拼读 xue,yue

4. 生字的练习 “雨,雪”


1. 练习对话和生字 “下雨,下雪,晴天,刮风,阴天;
2. 阅读2首小诗歌 “我有一双小小手” “春天的颜色”


4. 练习写字 雪,雨,春天

5. 3A 活动手册第一课 第一题


Content of this lesson:

1. Have a words test “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十”review the routine Chinese dialogue : what’s your name? what day is today? what day is yesterday? and reviewed the four seasons which learnt last lesson.

2. New contents:  learned Chinese Paradise book 3A lesson 2. We have learned new words ” rainy day (下雨天),windy day (刮风天), sunny day (晴朗), cloudy day (阴天) ” and the dialogue “what’s the weather look like today”. Reviewed the song  ” where is the spring” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bq7Ul7yteY. We also learned the new song “what’s the weather look like today?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn2sjCU6mnc . The video of the dialogue “what’s the weather look like today?”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmriPlBrg2Q , Also learned to read 2 poems “I have a pair of little hands” colour of grass

3. Chinese Pinyin (alphabet) :reviewed :b p m f d t n l j q x; āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéěè īíǐì ūúǔù ǖǘǚǜ;及 ai, ei ,ui bai; mei; tui, ao, ou iu, ie,ue er four tunes practice and learned new zh,ch,sh:and spell it together and read: zha,che, shou,

4. new words “rain and snow” (雨,雪) and reviewed “ 春天,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十


1. Practice new dialogue and new words learned what’s the weather look like today? It’s rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy.

2. Read the hand out 2 poems
3. practice on the hand out “雨,雪”(rainy, snow)

4. review pin yin

5. 3A workbook lesson 2 question 1