05/03/2017 学前班reception’s homework

2017年03月05日 05/03/2017 学前班reception’s homework




(Is the first lesson for our new class, we began with basic introductory sentences, encouraging everyone to speak out loud)


1,大家好 (Da Jia Hao – Hi Everyone)

2,我的名字是… (My name is …)

3,   我。。岁了 (I am .. years old)

4, 我喜欢。。颜色 ( I like the colour …)

5,我喜欢吃。。。(I like to eat …)

6,我家住在。。。(I live in ….)


(Watched the video 亲宝学汉字-人体系列 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uA1xCifIm4 and learnt the below characters, whilst pointing the part of the body and made simple sentences)

1,头 (Head)

2,耳 (Ear)

3, 牙 (Teeth)

4,眉 (Eyebrows)

5,手 (Hand)

6,眼 (Eye)

7,脚 (Feet)

8,鼻 (Nose)

三,学习《汉语乐园》第一课,分小组运用“你好”“再见” 练习情景对话

(Learnt the first lesson of ‘Chinese Paradise’ Book, practice ‘Hello’. ‘Good Bye’ scenarios)


(Looked at a map of China and discuss ‘Which Chinese City have you been to?’)

五,完成workbook 第3页,第4题

(Completed work book page 3, question 4)

六. 课堂小故事时间,目的是为了提高同学们的中文听力水平《在月球上跳高》

(Read the story 在月球上跳高 to improve Chinese listening)

本周作业 (Home work):


(Practice introducing yourself, once completed the 6 examples from class, please encourage your child to come up with new sentences)


(revise new characters learnt this week and make a sentence from each.